Hypnotherapy to Improve Concentration

How To Use Hypnotherapy To Improve Your Concentration And Eliminate Test Anxiety

I’d like you to reflect on this for a moment. As you sit there right now reading this document, a stream of information is entering your brain through your sense of sight. But you are also absorbing different sounds, experiencing bodily feelings like the pressure of the seat touching your butt and back, the feeling of the clothing on your body, and the air temperature and movement on your skin. You are also receiving data through your nose in the form of aromas. And of course, you’re in receipt of information in the form of the different tastes in your mouth.

And what about the emotional sensations that you are presently feeling? That’s also information that you’re presently processing. We exist in an information intensive world. Thanks to the Internet, almost no matter what you might want to know is only a few clicks of a mouse away.

Recently I read a piece that said that even in a serene and peaceful environment, we are bombarded by sixty thousand stimuli per second. And that’s occurring sixty seconds out of each minute, and sixty minutes out of each hour. And it goes on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, week in and week out for the length of our entire life.

And it happens to be a big part of the crisis. We are all being subjected to “information overload.” And that makes it very difficult to memorize all of the information that we want or need to remember.

Quite often, while we are reading, we realize that our eyes have been traversing the information on the page, while our conscious mind has been off somewhere else on a tangent. When we get to the bottom of the page, we become aware of the fact that our eyes have seen the words, but we have no conscious remembrance of what we’ve just read. That’s because our mind has been somewhere else thinking about a problem, or working out a project.

Today it’s an every day occurrence to hear even young people say things like, “I’m having a senior moment.” No matter what your age, and whether you are a student, part of the labor, or a retired senior, you know what I’m talking about. In our frenzied world it is quite often quite difficult to focus your attention.


A. Your mind begins to meander as you study or read, and then gradually you realize that you don’t have the slightest idea what you’ve been reading.

B. When you are in a social environment and you are introduced to new acquaintances, you find that you forget their names almost as quickly as you hear them.

C. You remember that you have a task to do in another room; however, as soon as you start to go to the other room you totally forget what that chore is.

D. You are able to stay alert and take in new information. But when you take an exam, “Test Anxiety” overcomes you and triggers a mental block, and you are unable to remember the answers to the questions on the examination that you in actual fact know.

The leading cause of a student’s lack of ability to focus their attention is that people are suffering from too much anxiety. And the leading cause of a mental block to recall is also anxiety. So it stands to reason that the more relaxed a person is, the better they will be able to focus their concentration, absorb information, and then be able to recall it at a later date.

Today, hypnotherapy and memory enhancement has become a hot topic. That’s partly because hypnotherapy is an outstanding instrument for creating relaxation. As a matter of fact, the very essence of the hypnotic state is relaxation. And as the mind becomes peaceful, the capacity to keep the mind focused increases. Similarly, a serene mind increases the aptitude to retain information, and remember it when it is needed.

Self-hypnosis memory enhancement is a great modality for eliminating test anxiety and mental blocks. There are several hypnotic methods that can be used to program a person with a positive expectation of relaxation, confidence, and achievement while taking exams.

Students can take a course on how to apply self-hypnosis simply and inexpensively in the privacy of their own home by ordering hypnotherapy CD’s. You can locate more information on hypnotherapy to enhance memory and recall in the Hypnosis Article Repository located on my website.

Hypnosis 101 – The Basics:

This is the link to the next chapter of Hypnosis 101 – The Basics video:
Click here to watch Hypnosis 101 The Basics Video Chaper 2.

Alan B. Densky, CH has specialized in the practice of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 1978. He offers self-hypnosis CD’s for memory and recall enhancemen. Visit his “; site for free resources & MP3 downloads, and his Video Hypnosis Blog for tips & tricks.

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