Events of 911 – What is the Truth?

It seems to me that there are a number of strange inconsistencies that surround the events of September 11, 2001 that for some reason have never been explained or reasonably explained.

The two that really stand out to me are:

Pentagon Impact:

1) Lack of plane wreckage including cargo, luggage, wings, engines, tyres, tail section, people.  – This must be a unique crash site???

But there was a report of “several scorched plane passenger bodies still strapped in seats” ? USAToday_Report. .  So no wreckage but people strapped in seats???.  No seats salvaged from wreckage to confirm plane for the skeptics?

2) Lack of damage to lawn/surroundings on approach to the building. Supposedly a clean impact on ground level at the building?

3) Initial impact zone, (before the building wall collapsed??) was only a  3 or 4m in diameter hole? Or is this hole somewhere else?  Have seen pictures with paint markings on sides and wouldn’t have expected that as part of initial impact management response.

4) No official release of any security camera footage to confirm a plane impact? Apparently there were cameras in operation.

This video that has apparently come to light some years later and has footage of something that appears to be too small for a plane, as well as the initial building damage.

Pentagon Hit by Cruise Missile – Proof

At 1:45 into the video it appears to show firefighters at the site and what seems to be a circular hole about 13 feet or only 4.5m high and not much wider. No visible aircraft wreckage. Where is the impact damage of the wings/tail of the plane?

This is a news broadcast from the day? – CNN Live Broadcast from Pentagon – 9/11

If these footage’s are to be believed, then something just isn’t right?

Which to me would then leads to another question,  if a Boeing 757 aircraft, Flight 77, didn’t hit the building, Where did that aircraft go too??

The Official Story

Have found a site that says a plane did impact the building and explains a number of the issues raised Skeptic_Project_Response

Another video on timeline and impact – 9/11 Pentagon attack

Maybe some validated wreckage from engine – Aerospace Analysis on Debris

Another interesting analysis.

These Guys Perspective – Plane impact

Building 7 – World Trade Centre

Second is the collapse of third Building which it would seem that few people are even aware of.  This 47 story building housed among others,  The largest tenant of the 47-story building was the bank Salomon Smith Barney, but there were also offices of the CIA, the Department of Defence, utility company ConEd, and the Internal Revenue Service.

1) There has been minimal coverage of there actually being a third building that collapsed.

2) This was not hit by any aircraft but was stated to have been damaged by debri from the collapse of the WTC buildings.

3) There is an Article by the Daily Mail that does show it on fire, but would be interesting to understand how that started as the only connection was an air bridge from the 3rd floor of the WTC group, well below where the impact zones were (84th and 76 floors of WTC 1 and 2).

Article is here :-  WTC Building 7 On fire

The conspiracists say that Building 7 was “pulled” by a controlled explosion in order to destroy information housed in that building.

One of the sites is here:- Remember Building 7 – World Trade Centre

Footage of the collapse of the building is here: Compilation of Collapse of WTC Building 7

Really hard to believe that this could be the case but if it is then there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered .


There also remains the questions about how the WTC buildings could collapse with the speed that they did but that appears to be a totally different technical field with differing professional opinions from those in the formal enquiry and others in that field.

Wikipedia Report on Collapse of WTC


Other online videos about the WTC that raise further questions rather than provide any clarity:

The Conspiracy:-

9/11 – Eye Witness Reports

Best September 11 2001 – Documentary.



The Official Story:-

Engineering Report on Collapse of Building







9/11 Congress Report on Findings


We should not necessarily believe anything from the web as anyone can manufacture evidence to support or otherwise their own theories and opinions, but for me it feels like we are not getting the true story about what happened on September 11, 2001. There are big pieces of the puzzle that are being glossed over and ignored.  something just doesn’t feel right!



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